Portal - 1.202.0


Table of contents
  1. Import users improvements
  2. Organization devices main list improvements

Import users improvements

Import users has got now three new improvements for Portal users to understand requirements and flow even more:

  1. Description of .csv file where file encoding and delimiter of values is specified


  2. Headers of columns in .csv file: User name, User email, Role, Locks names


  3. After clicking ‘Import’ button there are two new features:

    • list of errors from .csv files with specified mistakes: Username too short, Email invalid, Role invalid, Lock name not found
    • Abort button to stop process of importing users e.g. when at the beggining there are some errors in .csv


Organization devices main list improvements

Organization devices main list has now new changes from Organization locks list:

  • lock actions with status changes
  • battery level column


Additionally, device type column is removed but instead there is device type icon next to device name in first column. screenshot