iOS - 1.150.0


Table of contents
  1. Notification settings are stored and synchronized across all user’s mobile devices
  2. Preview features: Improved reliability of “lock unlocked” notifications
  3. Issue with changing the home screen in some cases
  4. Issue with “Pulling” animation when pull spring was not calibrated

Notification settings are stored and synchronized across all user’s mobile devices

Notification settings set for each device are now synchronized across all user’s mobile device. That means whenever you enable or disable some notification for a particular device, this change will be propagated to your other mobile device and will be preserved when you log out.

Preview features: Improved reliability of “lock unlocked” notifications

We improved reliability of “lock unlocked” notifications. Now, it should be delivered to your mobile device every time lock is unlocked or pulled.

Issue with changing the home screen in some cases

This mostly could happen when user was on “Add new device” screen and someone shares other device type than lock to that user.

Issue with “Pulling” animation when pull spring was not calibrated

When pull spring was enabled, but it was not calibrated, app showed appropriate alert but pulling animation on lock details pages wasn’t ended. Now, this animation will end as soon as pull spring uncalibrated alert is present.