Android - 1.149.0


Table of contents
  1. Home Screen
    1. Home Screen: My Devices
    2. Home Screen: Lock Details
    3. Home Screen: Settings
  2. Lock Details Pull to Refresh

Home Screen

We know that based on to which device types our users have access, their usage of our app can be different. To make it more convenient we introduced Home Screen.

Home Screen is the main page of the application where user have access to the side menu as well as it is first screen that user will see after logging in or launching application when user was logged in previously.

This main page can contains “My Devices” page, which was currently used, or “Lock Details” page.

Home Screen: My Devices

My Devices will present as the Home Screen when user have no access to any devices or when user have access to other devices than Locks.

Home Screen: Lock Details

Lock Details will be set as Home Screen when user has access to only Lock devices. My Devices page will be not accessible for the user but all required functionality is available for the user from Lock Details. BY having Lock Details page as a Home Screen, user has faster access to all necessary Locks features just after launching the app. If user has access to more than one device, he can swipe (left or right) between Locks.

Home Screen: Settings

App Settings page have now Home Screen section. Here user can change behavior Home Screen and switch back to previous behavior which will always show My Devices page.

Lock Details Pull to Refresh

Lock Details page receive Pull to Refresh gesture which will refresh all devices that user has access. This is specially useful when Home Screen is set to Lock Details and user cannot make Pull to Refresh gesture on My Devices page.\