send Command
Send any command to the Lock.
message in Byte format ex. 0x50
list of parameters (in Byte format), there are optional ex. 0x02 as "Force unlock" parameter to "Unlock" command
Before sending the command, this function checks the state of Bluetooth and location services:
RxBleClient.State.BLUETOOTH_NOT_AVAILABLE: Bluetooth is unavailable on the device.
RxBleClient.State.LOCATION_PERMISSION_NOT_GRANTED: Required location permissions are not granted.
RxBleClient.State.BLUETOOTH_NOT_ENABLED: Bluetooth is not enabled.
RxBleClient.State.LOCATION_SERVICES_NOT_ENABLED: Location services are disabled. If any preconditions are not met, onError with BluetoothDisabled is called to handle the situation. Otherwise (i.e., RxBleClient.State.READY),
lockConnectionWrapper?.sendCommand(<message>, <params>)
will be called.