Retrieves the firmware version from the lock.
Sends the GET_VERSION (0x11) command to the lock and processes the response to extract the firmware version details.
The response ByteArray example: 11, 00, 02, 04, 5B, E3, 01
11: Command code for GET_VERSION.
00: Command result status (success).
02 04 5B E3 01: Version details.
Parses it to a FirmwareVersion object. Example:
FirmwareVersion(softwareType=0, version="2.4.23523")
softwareType = 0 means the type of software.
"2.4.23523" means the firmware version of the lock.
@param isLockAdded If true, indicates that the lock is added to the account and will execute
an encrypted (secure) command; otherwise, it will execute an unencrypted
Content copied to clipboard(unsecure) command.
Content copied to clipboard
FirmwareVersion object containing the firmware version details.
if the device needs to be reset.